Tantric ritual

Have you ever heard about erotic massage prague? Would you like to know it, because it sounds really good and you know that you should try anything absolutely new? Try our perfect procedures that can help you with especially feelings that you can have in your mind. We can offer you for example perfect tantra procedure, which can help you to find your hidden sexuality. Maybe you think that it is density, because you know your body. Trust us that you can find absolutely new knowing about your body and mind, because tantric ritual is very efficient. We have only experienced masseuses, who passed special course about this type of procedure. They know where you have special places and points, where you will feel special feelings.
You can try also other procedures, because we have a really wide offer for you. Try for example:
· nuru massage
· prostate or penis procedure
· TOP sensual massage
· Soap massage
· Special procedures for women
· Lap dance
· And other offers…

Learn about your sexuality

If you would like to learn about your sexuality, you definitely should try tantra or nuru. Tantra is maybe little bit preferable, because there is a special course that you can graduate. You will find magic of special touches and you can find answer to your questions. Why you feel so intensive excitement during procedure? How is it possible to get orgasm without sexual act? We can explain everything.

Nuruis also perfect procedure, because you will feel all body of your masseuse, who will take care about you. She´ll use a special gel that can help you with sliding and then she´ll start your procedure. You will feel her fingers, hands and then also her bosom and other parts of her body. If you want try something original and new, you definitely should visit our salon.